Sunday, July 25, 2010


My husband said he had one word for me, and then he gave me two. The first was, "No." He thinks I need to pace myself. For example last night I wanted to go hear Jeremy and Sarah Jane more than anything, but it would have meant my third night in town, and third drive home in rain. Granted it only drizzled, unlike the arroyo run of the night before. But a night on the couch with a movie made sense. I said "no" and it hurt, but was good for me.

The other word was, "Dignity." Last night Bob Eckert from the Rio Grande Sun called to tell me he was taking a comic approach to the photographs in the article he is doing. Mug shots of me. Was I okay with this? I am always okay with humor, unless it hurts or is racist. Laughing at myself is part of my wiring. Also taking things as sacred and serious. I am ambidextrous.
I used to be ambivalent, but I am not any more. I am a grandmother, for goodness sake and spent yesterday herding kids afternoon. Today to write at Spanish Market. Notebook. Pencil. Dignity in tow.

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