Dear Chavah,
I went up to Taos after missing last year and felt so at home, though I only slightly know a handful of people. I was asking various folks, Bobbie, Rose, Bonnie, about you and feeling so much the threads of beautiful, accessible Judaism you spun in Taos. I remember bringing Hope, now a mother of two, with me. I just felt such gratitude to you and close. I though of you with love countless time during the Holidays. I also appreciated the new Rabbi, Judith Ha-Levi and my driver and husband, Michael.
When we got home I had a package. I order my books that are out of print to keep some stock, and this time I ordered from a new vendor, ABE books. The package was a copy of Blessed Resistance, and sometimes, since they are second hand books, they are signed copies so I always check. When I opened this books, minutes after coming down from Taos, this is what I saw. To Myra and Ben, The parents of my favorite Rebbe on this planet. Carol (Chavah)gave me the title for this collection, & really reconnected me to what I love in Judaism.
All Blessings --Joan Logghe 1999
I don't know if your parents are living, but I do know this moment was one of awakened holiness, and wanted to tell you this small miracle.I remember how proud of you they were when they got the book, now twenty years ago, They loved that you were mentioned. My Tashlich poem, written after a day with you for Rosh Hashanah, was printed this year in the Taos Jewish Community Newsletter.
So, that's one of the many miracles. Let me know what you think. If you want the signed book I am glad to send it. But for now, I send much love. Joan
I heard back from Rabbi Chavah immediately, and she agreed it rated the miraculous designation. I mean 20 years, right??This week is the year anniversary of the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh, and I have barely written since my response to that.So this year, the tree of life is glowing outside my window this first snow of the year, red crab apples, cerise apricot leaves, and the glowing gold of valley cottonwoods.
A belated Happy New Year.