Corina made leather items from scrap leather and I had my PoemHolders.

It was pretty cool to have people stand and read my poems for long periods of time. Some people got what I was doing, others just came away smiling but perplexed. I recycled perplexity.
I also recycled, repurposed, retyped poetry. I had mostly my own poems, a few Emily Dickinson and William Blake crept in and a Stafford and Sherman Alexie. They couldn't help themselves. I recycled public domain and copyright infringement.
And family. At one point Corina and I, the baby, Kaleia, big girl Kaylee and Tammy, my wonderful daughter-in-law, and Leland and Hope were clogging the flow. Nobody could get near the booth and I totally didn't care. For about an hour the glorious recycled genes of family and Lineage, which is what Corina calls her business. We recycled like the joke : What is the only thing Unitarians agree on??? Recycling.
The PoemHolders hold the poems with the breath of inspiration, as Allen Ginsberg would have said, and the joy of sewing together colors and recycled fabric, every piece with a back-story only I know. I left with many scraps from my late friend, Leslie Pierpont, gone many years but her family are movers and shakers behind Recycle Santa Fe, and now her fabric scraps live in my house and we Recycle. She baby sat Hope when Hope was the exact age of Kaleia and Corina and I even made a pre-Hope doll in her doll making workshop at the Waldorf School in 1985. What goes around comes back to grab me. We gave her grandkids a hug and they are amazing. They love Corina. They look like they own the place. Thanks to Keep Santa Fe Beautiful.....Recycle Santa Fe is another holiday in our religion.
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